nc 0.4.14

Execute system call directly


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Execute system call directly. nc do not depend on std.


Add this to Cargo.toml:

nc = "0.4"


Get file stat:

let mut statbuf = nc::stat_t::default();
match nc::stat("/etc/passwd", &mut statbuf) {
    Ok(_) => println!("s: {:?}", statbuf),
    Err(errno) => eprintln!("Failed to get file status, got errno: {}", errno),

Fork process:

let pid = nc::fork();
match pid {
    Ok(pid) => {
        if pid == 0 {
            println!("parent process!");
        } else if pid < 0 {
            eprintln!("fork() error!");
        } else {
            println!("child process: {}", pid);
            let args = [""];
            let env = [""];
            match nc::execve("/bin/ls", &args, &env) {
                Ok(_) => {},
                Err(errno) => eprintln!("`ls` got err: {}", errno),
    Err(errno) => eprintln!("errno: {}", errno),

Kill self:

let pid = nc::getpid();
let ret = nc::kill(pid, nc::SIGTERM);
// Never reach here.
println!("ret: {:?}", ret);

Stable version

For stable version of rustc, please install a C compiler (gcc or clang) first. As asm! feature is unavailable in stable version.

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This library is release in Apache License.